Colon cancer can occur at any age but usually, older people are mostly affected by it. Usually, small polyps which are clumps of noncancerous or benign cells are formed inside the colon. When left untreated it can become cancerous. Usually, when the polyps are formed it causes pain in the abdomen region. Identification of polyps, in time, helps in preventing colon cancer. Early diagnosis helps in giving the best Colon Cancer treatment in Udaipur. In some cases, colon cancer is also known as colorectal cancer as cancer occurs in the rectum area and spreads to the colon through it.
Symptoms and Signs of Colon Cancer
There are several signs and symptoms that can be identified. Most of the signs don’t appear in the early stages and it mostly appears in the advanced stages of colon cancer. Some of the symptoms that usually occur are:
- Weakness
- Fatigue
- Excruciating pain in the abdomen
- Sudden weight loss
- Rectal bleeding while stool
- Loss of appetite
Causes and Mechanism
There is no specific reason that a doctor can point out as the root cause of having colon cancer. Usually, cancerous cells cause a change in DNA or mutation in healthy cells. A healthy cell has a particular cell cycle that instructs the cell to follow the cell cycle that includes the growth of the cell and cell division of the cell. When the cell loses to have control over its cell division then the cells get cancerous. Such cell alters the DNA of the neighboring cells as well that making a mass of cell which is also called a tumor. When these tumors further grow it turns into cancer as it spreads to different parts of the organs which is also known as metastasis.
Risk factors
- Smoking
- Excessive consumption of alcohol
- Older age
- Low fiber and high-fat rich diet
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Family history of having colon cancer
- Prior history of polyps
- Inflammatory intestinal conditions
- Diabetes
- Obesity
- Excessive exposure to radiation
Treatment of Colon Cancer
The treatment for colon cancer really depends upon the severity and the condition of the patient. The treatment also depends upon the location of cancer along with its stage. There are several methods of treatment for colon cancer and some of them are:
- Surgery: Surgical removal of the polyps helps in prevention of the colon cancer. With the help of colonoscopy, one can identify and diagnose colon cancer. In some cases where the cancer is spread to the colon, the part of the colon is removed along with the surrounding tissues to ignore any chances of having colon cancer again.
- Endoscopic Mucosal Resection: The removal of large polyps during the colonoscopy while using the special tools is known as Endoscopic mucosal resection.
- Colectomy: It is a surgical procedure that can be done laparoscopically as well, in the part of the colon is removed with healthy tissues along the side of cancer. Such a procedure minimizes the chances of having colon cancer again in life.
- Targeted Immunotherapy and Chemotherapy: In this special drugs are used that focuses on the targeted cancerous cells in order to kill them. These drugs are used in combinations of chemicals (chemotherapy) and both procedures together helps in killing the cancerous cells.
- Radiation Therapy: It is a common procedure used among cancer patients. In cases where drugs do not work, radiation therapy is the only method left. In this procedure, high-frequency X-rays and protons are used to kill the cancerous cells. It also shrinks the size of the tumor or cancer so that it can be easily removed.