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Neuro & Spine Oncology at BMCHRC

Welcome to Bhagwan Mahaveer Cancer Hospital & Research Centre (BMCHRC), a beacon of hope and healing for individuals confronting Neuro & Spine Oncology. Our institution stands as a pillar of comprehensive care, where cutting-edge treatments merge with compassionate support to guide patients towards optimal health outcomes.

Welcome to Bhagwan Mahaveer Cancer Hospital & Research Centre (BMCHRC), where we are committed to providing comprehensive care for patients with tumors affecting the central nervous system (CNS) and spine. Our specialized team of neurosurgeons, spine surgeons, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, and support staff work collaboratively to offer innovative treatment options and personalized care for individuals facing neuro-oncological conditions.

Neuro Oncology

Neuro-Oncology deals with the diagnosis and treatment of tumors that affect the brain, spinal cord, and surrounding structures. These tumors can be benign or malignant and may originate within the CNS (primary tumors) or spread from other parts of the body (metastatic tumors). Spine oncology focuses specifically on tumors affecting the spinal column and spinal cord. Early diagnosis and intervention are crucial for optimizing outcomes and preserving neurological function in patients with neuro and spine tumors.

Our Multidisciplinary Approach

At BMCHRC, we employ a multidisciplinary approach to neuro and spine oncology care, bringing together experts from various specialties to develop individualized treatment plans for each patient. Our team conducts thorough evaluations, including advanced imaging studies and molecular diagnostics, to accurately diagnose and stage neuro-oncological conditions. We then collaborate to deliver personalized treatment strategies that may include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, and supportive care services.


Advanced Surgical Techniques

Our neurosurgeons and spine surgeons are skilled in performing a wide range of advanced surgical procedures for neuro and spine tumors. These include minimally invasive techniques, stereotactic radiosurgery, awake craniotomy, spinal decompression, tumor resection, and spinal stabilization procedures. Our goal is to safely remove or manage tumors while preserving neurological function and improving quality of life for our patients.


State-of-the-Art Imaging and Treatment Modalities

BMCHRC is equipped with state-of-the-art imaging modalities and treatment technologies to aid in the diagnosis and management of neuro and spine tumors. Our facility features advanced MRI, CT, PET-CT, and PET-MRI capabilities, allowing for precise visualization and localization of tumors. We also offer cutting-edge treatments such as CyberKnife radiosurgery and Gamma Knife radiosurgery for precise, non-invasive tumor targeting.

Psychosocial Support and Survivorship Programs

Coping with a diagnosis of neuro or spine cancer can be emotionally and psychologically challenging for patients and their families. BMCHRC offers psychosocial support services and survivorship programs to help patients navigate the emotional complexities of cancer diagnosis and treatment. Our support programs include counseling, support groups, educational resources, and survivorship care plans designed to promote emotional well-being and enhance survivorship outcomes.

Nutritional Counseling and Support

Proper nutrition plays a vital role in supporting overall health and well-being during neuro and spine tumor treatment. Our registered dietitians work closely with patients to develop personalized nutrition plans tailored to their unique dietary needs and treatment goals. Whether it's managing nutrition-related side effects, optimizing nutrient intake, or addressing specific dietary concerns, our team provides comprehensive nutritional counseling and support to promote healing and recovery.


Participation in Clinical Trials and Research

BMCHRC is committed to advancing the field of neuro and spine oncology through participation in clinical trials and research initiatives. Our clinicians and researchers collaborate on innovative studies aimed at developing new treatment strategies, improving treatment outcomes, and enhancing quality of life for patients with neuro and spine tumors. Through our involvement in clinical research, we strive to bring cutting-edge therapies and personalized care to our patients.

Revolutionizing Cancer Care from 27+ Years

Our Doctors

Meet our esteemed team of medical professionals, each equipped with years of specialized expertise and unwavering dedication to patient care.

Patient Testimonials

Meet the compassionate souls behind our services. Our dedicated team of professionals is here to ensure you receive the best care, always.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the common symptoms of Neuro and Spine Tumors?

Common symptoms may include Headaches, seizures, Weakness or numbness in the limbs, difficulty walking, changes in vision or hearing, balance problems, Back Pain, and bowel or bladder dysfunction. However, these symptoms can vary depending on the location and type of tumor.

How are Neuro and Spine Tumors diagnosed?

Diagnosis typically involves a combination of imaging studies (such as MRI, CT scans, or PET-CT scans), neurological evaluations, and biopsy procedures to confirm the presence of tumors and determine their characteristics and extent.

What are the treatment options for Neuro and Spine Tumors?

Treatment options may include Surgery, Chemotherapy, Radiation Therapy, Targeted Therapy, Immunotherapy, and Supportive Care Services. The choice of treatment depends on factors such as the type, location, size, and stage of the tumor, as well as the patient's overall health and preferences.

Will I experience Neurological deficits after treatment for Neuro and Spine Tumors?

The risk of neurological deficits depends on factors such as the type and location of the tumor, the extent of surgical resection, and other treatment modalities used. Our team strives to minimize neurological deficits and preserve function whenever possible while effectively treating the tumor.

Is Surgery always necessary for treating Neuro and Spine Tumors?

Surgery may be recommended for some neuro and spine tumors to remove or reduce the size of the tumor, alleviate compression on surrounding structures, and improve neurological function. However, other treatment modalities such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy may also be used alone or in combination with surgery, depending on the specific tumor and patient factors.

How long does recovery take after Surgery for Neuro and Spine Tumors?

Recovery time varies depending on factors such as the type and extent of Surgery, the location and size of the tumor, and individual patient factors. Most patients recover from anesthesia within a few hours after surgery and experience a gradual return to alertness and normal function. Our team monitors patients closely during the recovery period and provides appropriate postoperative care and support.

Can Neuro and Spine Tumors Recur after treatment?

There is a risk of tumor recurrence following treatment for neuro and spine tumors, particularly if the tumor was not completely removed or if there are remaining cancer cells. Regular follow-up appointments and surveillance imaging are essential for monitoring for signs of recurrence and detecting any new tumors early.

What Supportive Care Services are available for patients and families?

BMCHRC offers a range of supportive care services for patients and their families, including counseling, support groups, educational resources, and practical assistance with transportation and lodging. Our dedicated team is here to provide guidance, encouragement, and compassionate care throughout your cancer journey.

Can Neuro and Spine Tumors Metastasize to other parts of the body?

Yes, neuro and spine tumors can metastasize (spread) to other parts of the body, particularly if they are malignant. Early detection and treatment are essential for preventing or controlling metastatic spread and improving overall outcomes.

Are there specific risk factors for developing Neuro and Spine Tumors?

While the exact causes of neuro and spine tumors are often unknown, certain genetic factors, environmental exposures, and medical conditions may increase the risk of developing these tumors. Our team conducts thorough evaluations to assess individual risk factors and develop personalized prevention and screening strategies.

What is the role of Radiation Therapy in treating Neuro and Spine Tumors?

Radiation Therapy plays a critical role in the treatment of Neuro and Spine Tumors, particularly for tumors that cannot be surgically removed or for patients who are not candidates for Surgery. Radiation Therapy uses high-energy beams to target and destroy cancer cells while minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissues. Our radiation oncologists utilize advanced techniques such as stereotactic radiosurgery and Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) to deliver precise and effective radiation treatment while minimizing side effects.

Can Neuro and Spine Tumors affect Cognitive function and memory?

Depending on their location and size, Neuro and Spine Tumors can sometimes affect cognitive function, memory, and other Neurological processes. Our team of Neuro-Oncologists and Neuropsychologists evaluates patients' cognitive function before, during, and after treatment to monitor for any changes and provide appropriate interventions or supportive care services as needed.

What is the prognosis for patients with Neuro and Spine Tumors?

The prognosis for patients with neuro and spine tumors depends on factors such as the type, stage, and location of the tumor, as well as individual patient factors such as age, overall health, and response to treatment. Our team works closely with patients to develop personalized treatment plans and provide ongoing support and care to optimize outcomes and quality of life.

Are there any experimental or investigational treatments available for Neuro and Spine Tumors?

BMCHRC is actively involved in clinical research and may offer eligible patients the opportunity to participate in clinical trials of novel or investigational treatments for Neuro and Spine Tumors. Clinical Trials are designed to evaluate new therapies, treatment combinations, or treatment approaches with the goal of improving outcomes and advancing the field of Neuro-Oncology. Our team provides information and support to patients interested in participating in clinical trials and helps them make informed decisions about their treatment options.

How can I access Neuro and Spine Oncology services at BMCHRC?

To access neuro and spine oncology services at BMCHRC, you can schedule a consultation with one of our specialists by calling our appointment hotline or visiting our website to request an appointment online. Our team will work with you to schedule a convenient time for your consultation and discuss your medical history, symptoms, and treatment goals. We are here to support you every step of the way on your journey to healing and recovery.