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Breast Cancer Recurrence Prevention Project

Even an early Breast Cancer patient having undergone surgery/chemotherapy has a chance of Recurrence.

About the Project

Even an early Breast Cancer patient having undergone surgery/chemotherapy has a chance of Recurrence. Therapy to prevent such recurrence is as important as the surgery; possible in hormone sensitive tumors. Under this project free Adjuvant Hormone Therapy is provided to the ER/ PR Positive Breast Cancer Patient after completion of chemotherapy or radiation. For this project Donation to be made in the name of “ BMCHRC A/C Breast Cancer Recurrence Prevention Project” Account Number – – 07021132000193. Bank Address – Oriental Bank of Commerce, Rajasthan Co-operative Dairy Federation, Saras Sankul, Jawaharlal Nehru Marg, Jaipur PIN – 302017. IFSC Code – ORBC0100702 This Project Started in March, 2018 till June, 2024, 31 patients registered under the project have received free treatment (worth Rs 4,89,874/-).