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Pediatric Oncology at BMCHRC

Welcome to Bhagwan Mahaveer Cancer Hospital & Research Centre (BMCHRC), a beacon of hope and healing for individuals confronting Pediatric Oncology. Our institution stands as a pillar of comprehensive care, where cutting-edge treatments merge with compassionate support to guide patients towards optimal health outcomes.

Childhood cancer is complex, requiring a comprehensive approach to address the physical, emotional, and social needs of both the child and their family. Our pediatric oncology services go beyond medical treatment, offering support programs, educational resources, and psychological counseling to ensure that every aspect of a child's well-being is considered and cared for throughout their cancer journey.

Multidisciplinary Team Approach

Our pediatric oncology team consists of highly skilled professionals from various disciplines who collaborate closely to provide the best possible care for each child. This multidisciplinary approach ensures that all aspects of a child's treatment and care are considered, leading to more personalized and effective treatment plans tailored to the unique needs of each patient.

State-of-the-Art Facilities

Our pediatric oncology facilities are designed to provide a welcoming and child-friendly environment for young patients and their families. From colorful waiting areas to specially equipped treatment rooms, our facilities are equipped with the latest technology and amenities to ensure the comfort and well-being of our patients while receiving treatment.


Diagnostic Services

Accurate diagnosis is the cornerstone of effective cancer treatment. Our pediatric oncology team utilizes advanced diagnostic imaging techniques, laboratory tests, and biopsy procedures to precisely diagnose and stage pediatric cancers. This comprehensive approach to diagnosis ensures that treatment plans are based on accurate and reliable information.


Treatment Modalities

Pediatric cancers vary widely in type and severity, requiring a range of treatment options to effectively combat the disease. Our pediatric oncology team is experienced in delivering a variety of treatment modalities, including chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery, immunotherapy, targeted therapy, and stem cell transplantation. Each treatment plan is carefully tailored to the specific needs of the child, taking into account factors such as cancer type, stage, and individual health status.

Family-Centered Care

We recognize that childhood cancer affects the entire family, not just the child diagnosed with cancer. That's why we take a family-centered approach to care, involving parents, siblings, and other caregivers in the treatment process. We provide education, resources, and support to help families navigate the challenges of childhood cancer and make informed decisions about their child's care.

Education and Advocacy

Empowering families with knowledge and information is an essential part of our pediatric oncology services. We provide educational resources, workshops, and support groups to help families understand their child's diagnosis, treatment options, and supportive care services. Additionally, we advocate for the unique needs of pediatric cancer patients and their families, both within the hospital setting and in the broader community.


Survivorship and Long-Term Follow-Up

The journey doesn't end when cancer treatment is complete. Our pediatric oncology team provides long-term follow-up care and survivorship services to monitor for late effects of treatment, address any ongoing health concerns, and support the overall well-being of pediatric cancer survivors as they transition into adulthood. We are committed to ensuring that children who have overcome cancer can thrive and lead healthy, fulfilling lives beyond their diagnosis.

Revolutionizing Cancer Care from 27+ Years

Our Doctors

Meet our esteemed team of medical professionals, each equipped with years of specialized expertise and unwavering dedication to patient care.

Patient Testimonials

Meet the compassionate souls behind our services. Our dedicated team of professionals is here to ensure you receive the best care, always.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Pediatric Oncology, and what conditions does it cover?

Pediatric Oncology is a specialized field of medicine focused on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of Cancer in children and adolescents. This includes various types of Cancers such as Leukemia, Brain Tumors, Lymphomas, Neuroblastomas, and Sarcomas.

How does Pediatric Cancer treatment differ from adult Cancer treatment?

Pediatric Cancer treatment differs from adult Cancer treatment due to differences in Cancer types, response to treatment, and potential long-term effects on growing bodies. Treatment plans for children are tailored to their unique needs, considering factors such as age, stage of development, and potential impact on growth and development.

What are the treatment options available for childhood Cancer?

Treatment options for childhood Cancer may include Chemotherapy, Radiation Therapy, Surgery, Immunotherapy, Targeted Therapy, and Stem Cell Transplantation. These treatments may be used alone or in combination, depending on the type and stage of Cancer.

How is childhood Cancer diagnosed, and what diagnostic tests are involved?

Childhood Cancer is diagnosed through a combination of physical examination, imaging tests (such as MRI, CT Scans, and Ultrasound), Laboratory Tests (Blood Tests and Biopsies), and sometimes Genetic Testing. These tests help determine the type and stage of Cancer.

Are there Clinical Trials available for Pediatric Cancer patients?

Yes, Clinical Trials are available for Pediatric Cancer patients, offering access to cutting-edge treatments and contributing to the advancement of Pediatric Oncology Research. Participation in Clinical Trials may provide additional treatment options and contribute to improving outcomes for children with Cancer.

How long does Pediatric Cancer treatment typically last, and what can be expected during treatment?

The duration of Pediatric Cancer treatment varies depending on the type and stage of cancer, as well as the response to treatment. Treatment may last several months to years and may include Chemotherapy, Radiation Therapy, and/or Surgery. During treatment, children may experience side effects such as Fatigue, Nausea, Hair Loss, and changes in Appetite.

What Supportive Care Services are available for children undergoing Cancer treatment?

Supportive Care Services for children undergoing Cancer treatment aim to manage side effects, improve quality of life, and provide emotional support. These services may include Psychosocial Support, Child Life Therapy, Nutritional Counseling, Pain Management, and Palliative Care.

What are the Potential Long-Term effects of Pediatric Cancer Treatment?

Pediatric Cancer Treatment can have long-term effects on a child's health, including risks of Secondary Cancers, Organ Damage, Fertility Issues, Cognitive Impairment, and emotional challenges. Close monitoring and follow-up care are essential to address and manage these potential long-term effects.

How can families prepare for their Child's Cancer Treatment?

Families can prepare for their child's cancer treatment by educating themselves about the diagnosis and treatment options, communicating openly with the healthcare team, and seeking support from family, friends, and support organizations. It's also important to establish a support network and plan for practical considerations such as transportation and childcare.

What can families expect in terms of Financial Support and Resources during their child's Cancer Treatment?

Families may have access to financial support and resources to help cover the costs of Cancer Treatment, including Health Insurance Coverage, Financial Assistance Programs, and Support from Charitable Organizations. Social workers and financial counselors can help families navigate these resources and identify available support services.

How can families support their child's emotional well-being during Cancer Treatment?

Families can support their child's emotional well-being during cancer treatment by providing comfort, reassurance, and encouragement, maintaining open communication, and involving the child in decision-making when appropriate. Child life specialists and Psychosocial Support Services can also help children cope with the emotional challenges of Cancer Treatment.

What should families do if they notice new symptoms or side effects during their child's Cancer Treatment?

Families should promptly communicate any new symptoms or side effects to their child's healthcare team. The healthcare team can provide guidance on managing symptoms, adjusting treatment as needed, and ensuring that the child receives appropriate medical care and support.

Are there resources available to help families navigate Pediatric Cancer Care and connect with other families facing similar challenges?

Yes, there are many resources available to help families navigate Pediatric Cancer Care, including support organizations, online forums, educational materials, and peer support programs. These resources can provide valuable information, emotional support, and practical guidance throughout the Cancer journey.

What are the options for follow-up care and monitoring after Pediatric Cancer treatment?

After completing cancer treatment, children will require regular follow-up care and monitoring to assess for any long-term effects of treatment, monitor for cancer recurrence, and support the child's overall health and well-being. The healthcare team will develop a follow-up care plan tailored to the child's specific needs and medical history.

How can families advocate for Pediatric Cancer Research and Awareness?

Families can advocate for Pediatric Cancer Research and Awareness by participating in fundraising events, supporting advocacy organizations, sharing their child's story, and raising awareness in their community about the needs of children with cancer. By advocating for increased research funding and support, families can help improve outcomes for children with cancer and advance the field of Pediatric Oncology.