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What is Lung Cancer and how can we prevent it

What is Lung Cancer and how can we prevent it

When we inhale or exhale, our chest expands and contracts while we breathe. The diaphragm also moves while we inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Changes in lifestyle, environmental factors, pollution, and smoking are the major reasons for lung cancer. Chain smokers are at greatest risk of lung cancer along with people who are in contact with smokers. Passive smoking is more dangerous than active smoking as the person inhales a lot of smoke continuously without any problem. Lung cancer is caused when the normal cells grow continuously without stopping. In order, to reverse the cell cycle it is necessary to change a life, induce healthy eating habits, quits smoking, and consult a doctor as early detection plays a vital role in curing cancer.


  • Headache
  • Excruciating pain
  • Hoarseness
  • Severe chest pain
  • Coughing up blood
  • Uncontrolled coughing; pain in the throat
  • The problem in swallowing food
  • Fatigue
  • Blood clots
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Loss of Appetite

Though Lung Cancer can affect anyone there are certain factors that increase the risk of having Lung Cancer. Some of the factors include:

  • Smoking: Smoking is one of the biggest risk factors which is responsible for spreading lung cancer. Tobacco causes cancer in 9 out of 10 people in men and 8 out of 10 in women. The earlier a person starts smoking per day the greater the person is at risk of having lung cancer. A person who smokes and drinks as well, is at greater risk of developing lung cancer.
  • Passive Smoking: Passive smoking is more dangerous than active smoking as they continue to breathe in the smoke continuously without even knowing. A smoker usually breathe outs all the smoke but the person who is near the smoker inhales that smoke continuously that causes lung damage. The continuous exposure to smoke is the most common reason of lung cancer.

Inhalation of pollutants and toxic elements such as a doses arsenic, chromium, beryllium, nickel or tar in workplace is also a risk factor in causing lung cancer.

Further, being exposed to radiation such as in Radiation therapy, Radon at home or workplace, certain imaging tests such as CT scan are some of the risk factors of having lung cancer.

Air pollutants have some very harmful chemicals and gases that are very harmful for our body after inhalation. Further, environmental factors are responsible for spread of lung cancer.

Preventive Measures:

One can prevent lung cancer by avoiding the risk factors.

Quit smoking: Quitting smoking is not a one day process, it takes time and should be done gradually. If a person stops smoking suddenly in that case the body rejects it and the system might even collapse in worst case scenario. Therefore, it is advisable before quitting smoking; one should consult a doctor and gradually stop smoking. Quitting smoking reduces the risk of having cancer in a considerable amount. Tobacco contains over 600 chemicals that are capable of causing 60 different types of cancer. The chemicals directly pour in the lungs that damage the lungs and then enter the blood from which it can spread and cause damage to any organ. The best cancer specialist in Jaipur usually advices their patients to quit smoking gradually.

Healthy diet and changes in lifestyle along with regular exercise also helps in preventing lung cancer. Further, restraining yourself from harmful chemicals in case if you are exposed to it, also reduces risk factors associated with lung cancer.

Bhagwan Mahaveer cancer hospital and research center have one of the lung cancer hospitals in Jaipur. We have a team of specialized Oncologists and experts in cancer treatment in Jaipur, who are always available in case of any emergency or query.


At BMCHRC, our commitment to excellence extends beyond medical treatment—it encompasses holistic care, compassionate support, and a relentless pursuit of innovation. With BMCHRC as your partner in healing, you can rest assured that you're in capable hands, supported by a team dedicated to guiding you towards a brighter, cancer-free future.