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Who Is More at Risk of Developing Kidney Cancer?

Who Is More at Risk of Developing Kidney Cancer?

And with thousands of new cases reported each year, experts believe that its number could increase five times by 2025. However, a growing concern has also been made for the burden of kidney cancer in India. The projected incidence of kidney cancer is about 2/100,000 population in Indian males and nearly 1/100,000 population among Indian females. With the rapidly increasing numbers of kidney cancer cases in India, the burden from this malignancy is on the rise. It can affect anyone, regardless of their age, sex, religion, ethnicity, financial status and geographic location. Hence, you have to become aware of this disease before understanding the best possible kidney cancer treatment in Udaipur to curb its threat. While you cannot prevent the development of kidney cancer, you can increase your prognosis and survival rates by being informed and getting the best treatment at the right time. Once kidney cancer is diagnosed, oncologists follow a cancer administration plan to categorize the tumour and decide a management plan accordingly. Hence, patients diagnosed with kidney cancer need both planned and systemic intervention from the best Cancer doctors in Jaipur based on their cancer condition. But if you’re worried about the prognosis of kidney cancer, you first need to become well aware of kidneys, this cancer and the risk factors of kidney cancer.  Read on to know more about kidney cancer and its risk factors to manage it effectively.

What is Kidney Cancer?

Kidney Cancer is one of the most common types of cancer that usually occurs in the kidneys. It’s caused by the abnormal growth of cells in the kidney tissue that causes these cells to grow and divide uncontrollably. Eventually, these excess cells turn malignant and then bind together to form a tumour in one or both kidneys. Kidneys are two bean-shaped organs located below the ribcage that remove excess water and salt from the blood, then turn these waste products into urine that passes out of the body through urination.   While most kidney cancers begin in the lining of tubules or tiny tubes in the kidney, some of them can also occur in the area where urine gets stored before moving to the bladder. But in most cases, kidney cancer occurs due to renal cell carcinoma, which ranks among the top 10 most common cancers in the world.

There are several types of Kidney Cancer categorized on the basis of location, extent and the cells affected by it. But some types of kidney cancer can metastasize more quickly than others and evade detection in the early stages. Renal Cell Carcinoma is the most common kidney cancer and originates in the renal tubules or tubes in the kidney responsible for making urine. However, there are several types of RCC like clear-cell, chromophobe, and papillary renal cell carcinoma. Different types of kidney cancer include:  

  • Renal Cell Carcinoma: It occurs within the cells of renal tubules or small tube lining of the kidney and accounts for nearly 85% of all kidney cancer cases.
  • Transitional Cell Carcinoma: It originates in the ureter directly connected to the primary part of the kidneys. It can also occur in the bladder and accounts for only 7% of all cases.
  • Renal Sarcoma: It’s a rare type of kidney cancer that originates in the connective tissues of the kidneys and accounts for only 1% of the total cases. In some cases, it also can spread into nearby organs and bones.
  • Wilms’ Tumour: It’s a rare type of kidney cancer that only occurs in children and accounts for 5% of the cases.

What are the risk factors of Kidney Cancer?

While the precise causes of kidney cancer are not yet well understood, the best Cancer hospital in Udaipur has stated that some people are more at risk than others. Common risk factors that can make anyone more prone to kidney cancer development, regardless of their age or gender, are:

  • Smoking – Addiction to cigarettes, cigars and pipes can significantly increase the risk of developing kidney tumours and other types of cancer.
  • Obesity – Being overweight or obese can greatly increase the risk of kidney cancer, particularly if the cause of obesity is a high-fat diet.
  • Hypertension – A history of high blood pressure can increase the risk of developing kidney cancer.
  • A family history of cancer – People with a family history of renal cell carcinoma have the highest risk of developing kidney cancer.
  • Chronic kidney disease and long-term dialysis – A history of kidney failure and dialysis has been associated with kidney cancer in some cases.
  • Hereditary conditions – Inherited disorders like von Hippel-Lindau disease, Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome, hereditary papillary renal cell carcinoma, hereditary renal oncocytoma and hereditary leiomyoma renal cell carcinoma are associated with kidney tumours.
  • Certain medications – An overuse of certain nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen and naproxen are also a risk factor for kidney problems and cancer.

  By understanding the various risk factors associated with kidney cancer, you can prepare yourself better to take preventive steps and protect yourself from this malignancy. Fortunately, kidney cancers are now getting diagnosed more often due to increased numbers of imaging tests. It has also improved the outcome of this disease as it gets treated before spreading into nearby tissues and organs. Hence, a prompt diagnosis and timely intervention should be next on your agenda to get the best possible outcome and quality of life.  


At BMCHRC, our commitment to excellence extends beyond medical treatment—it encompasses holistic care, compassionate support, and a relentless pursuit of innovation. With BMCHRC as your partner in healing, you can rest assured that you're in capable hands, supported by a team dedicated to guiding you towards a brighter, cancer-free future.