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Paper Presentation

  • Specific Inhibitor of EGFR (Gefitinib) In Refractory Non Small Cell Lung Cancer, Apicon 2008.
  • Role of BEACOPP Chemotherapy in Hodgkin’s Lymphoma presented in APICON, January 2004, Hyderabad, India
  • Paper on Hodgkin’s Lymphoma was included in young scientist award competition of ISMPO conference, Banglore 2004
  • Poster presentation on “Long Term Survival Outcomes & Toxicity Profile of BEACOPP Chemotherapy With Or without, Involved Field Radiotherapy For Hodgkin’s Lymphoma” at ISMPO, Shrinagar 2009.
  • Role of induction chemotherapy in Head & Neck Cancer in Indian Context; 20th APCC, Tskuba Japan (Nov 2009)
  • Paper on Hodgkin’s Lymphoma was included in young scientist award competition of ISMPO conference, Banglore 2004
  • Role of BEACOPP Chemotherapy in Hodgkin’s Lymphoma presented in APICON, January 2004, Hyderabad, India
  • Sequential chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced, inoperable head and neck cancer: Feasibility and response in Indian context Ahemdabad APICON 2011

Poster Presentation

  • BEACOPP Chemotherapy in Hodgkin’s Lymphoma: A cost effective protocol in Indian context presented in ESMO, Vienna (Austral) 2004
  • Presented paper on Role of Cisplatin & Irinotecan (CPT-11) in Small-Cell-Lung Cancer in ASIA PACIFIC CANCER CONFERENCE, October 2003, Indonesia
  • Complementary and Alternate Medicine in Indian Context” presented in Asia Pacific Cancer Conference, Seoul, Korea 2005
  • Role of Amifostine in preventing side effects concurrent chemotherapy in head & neck cancer patients Patni N., Bapna A., Somani N., Gupta A., Venkat Ratnam N. presented in 40th ASCO 2004
  • Prospective study using PCD-E combination therapy M.D.S. Protocol. Kumar Ravi, Parikh P.M., Malhotra H., Somani N., C. Gangadharan V. (Presented in 11th annual conference of Indian Society of Med. & Ped. Oncology of India), January 2001
  • Concurrent chemo-radiotherapy for advanced Head & Neck Cancer. Protocol ICON / H&N / 9905a (Bhalawat R., Somani N., Pai V.R. presented in 11th annual conference of Indian Society of Med. & Ped. Oncology of India, January 2001
  • Poster presentation on “Long Term Survival Outcomes & Toxicity Profile of BEACOPP Chemotherapy With Or without, Involved Field Radiotherapy For Hodgkin’s Lymphoma” at ISMPO , Shrinagar 2009.
  • Role of induction chemotherapy in Head & Neck Cancer in Indian Context; 20th APCC, Tskuba Japan (Nov 2009)

Paper Publication by BMCHRC, Jaipur (till May 2017)

Papers Publication

  • An observational single‑center study of nivolumab in Indian patients with recurrent advanced non‑small cell lung cancer (2019 Indian Journal of Cancer).
  • Tumour response and survival of treatment-naïve head and neck cancer patients treated with nimotuzumab: A systematic review and meta-analysis (ASCO meeting-2018)
  • Efficacy of erlotinib as first line maintenance therapy in patients with locally advanced or metastatic nonsmall cell lung cancer who have not experienced disease progression or unacceptable toxicity during chemotherapy The South Asian Journal of Cancer Published Volume 6 Issue,1 January- March 2017
  • Nimotuzumab with Concurrent Chemo-Radiotherapy in Patients with Locally Advanced Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Head and Neck (LASCCHN) Journal of Cancer Therapy, 2015, 6, 356-361 Published Online April 2015.
  • Myelodysplastic Syndromes: A Challenging Disease for Patients and Physicians (JAPI/Feb 2012, VOL. 60)
  • Intravenous aflibercept for treatment of recurrent symptomatic malignant ascites in patients with advanced ovarian cancer: a phase 2, randomised, double-blind, Placebo-controlled study (Published in The Lancet Journal Oncology 2012; 13: 154–62)
  • Sequential therapy (triple drug-based induction chemotherapy followed by concurrent chemoradiotherapy) in locally advanced inoperable head and neck cancer patients – Single institute experience ( Nov 2011)
  • Intravenous Aflibercept in Advanced Ovarian Cancer Patients with Recurrent Symptomatic Malignant Ascites: Key Efficacy and Safety Results of a Phase II, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study, ESGO2009, V3 (24 June-09).
  • Modified BEACOPP regime as a cost-effective therapy for unfavourable Hodgkin’s disease in underprivileged countries” (Shantanu Sharma, Naresh Somani, S.C. Pande, Nidhi Patni). Presented at 38th Annual Conference of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP), Geneva, Switzerland, Sept. 2006 and published in “Pediatric Blood & Cancer” Volume 47, Issue 4, Oct. 1, 2006 PJ.017, ISSN 1545-5009
  • A pilot study of BEACOPP (Basic & “modified escalated”) chemotherapy with our without involved field radiotherapy in Hodgkin’s disease: A cost effective & risk stratified protocol in Indian context” (Published in Indian Journal of Medical & Paediatric Oncology – ISSN 0971-5851)
  • Activity of specific inhibitor of epidermal growth factor receptor (Gefitinib) in refractory Non-Small-Cell Cancer (NSCLC) – Published in Current Medical Trends – ISSN 0972-3390.
  • Review article: systemic treatment of primary breast cancer JAPI, Vol. No. 49, April, 2001 (ISSN-0004-5772)
  • Review article: overview of management of primary pulmonary lymphoma, Current Medical Trends (ISSN 0972-3390)
  • Review article, drug review: Topotecan, Journal of Indian Society of Med. & Ped. Oncology, 2001 – ISSN 0971-5851
  • Effect of climatic variation on flow rates in normal subject and Asthamatics. Somani N., Kotia Amit, Mathur U.S.
  • A comparative study of tobacco consumption (smoking & chewing on certain cardiovascular & metabolic parameters – Somani Naresh, Kotia Amit, Mathur U.S. Rajasthan Medical Journal, India.
  • Profile of vertebral secondaries in non-mammary carcinoma; Journal of association of physicians of India – Vol. No. 49, Jan. 2001 (ISSN 0004-5772)
  • Clinical profile of Lung Cancer in Indian Context Thesis (Dissertation), submitted to University of Rajasthan for award degree of M.D., 1996.